Matt Melssen
Chief Estimator
Matt is Elder Construction’s Chief Estimator and is responsible for leading the overall management of the preconstruction process. Throughout his 20 years in the construction industry, Matt has estimated over $5 billion worth of construction projects. Matt thrives on collaborating with the project teams to ensure accurate project budgets by proactively providing solutions through constructibility reviews, development of specific systems analyses, and creation of value engineering and alternates lists/logs. Matt helps lead the team to value-based decisions that provide for a financially responsible and sound project.
“Your next step is simple. You are the first domino.”
Gary Keller
Background & Experience
Matt feels that construction has always been in his blood. His first job was at 7yrs old, being gopher for his parent’s custom home company. Matt, “go-for” nails”, Matt, “go-for” a shovel. That passion his parents instilled in him, is what drives him today.
BS Construction Management, Colorado State University